Sanrock Reviews

looking at things from a literary viewpoint

Archive for February 2016

The Canterbury Tales (comic) Review

Geoffrey Chaucer is one of those Early Renaissance writers that English majors are forced to read. That is, forced to read in Middle English, which pisses off English majors because if Shakespeare’s language wasn’t hard enough, Middle English will make you want to kill your professor. The reason being that Middle English has a lot of words that are no longer in modern use and the pronunciation and spelling are […]

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When Zachary Beaver Came to Town Review

You know how people say their entire life changed when a big event happened? Well, stuff like that happens because we experience stuff because we decided to go to that event. That’s also how stories work: some big event happens and the characters react to it. That’s the basses to When Zachary Beaver Came to Town by Kimberly Willis Holt. I came across this book by looking at a list […]

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Goosebumps (2015 Movie) Review

How can you mess up Goosebumps? Seriously Sony, how? When RL Stine released his first Goosebumps book Welcome to Dead House in 1992 a phenomenon was born. From that came video games, a TV show, spinoffs and lots of merchandise. A movie was inevitable, so when a Goosebumps movie was announced starring Jack Black and Stine people went nuts. The end result was a huge upset. Zach has just moved […]

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